Wednesday 27 July 2022

What makes an accountant?

 What makes an accountant?

Accountants possess crucial skills that can make or break a business’s ability to succeed.

So exactly what makes a good accountant?

They are detail-oriented and results driven

Being passionate about a business’s financial vision is one thing, but good accountants are skilled at funneling those visions into fruitful business plans. They are masters at ‘sweating the small stuff’ to ensure records are up to date and error-free and can confidently grasp legislative requirements and complex fiscal formulas.

They have a mind for business and the heart of an entrepreneur

Good accountants are flexible and understand a variety of business models so are able to determine what economic methods best suit a business’s required goals. Because they know how to grow their own business, they can also offer credible advice in terms of revenue building and financial outcome management.

They’re adept at financial wizardry.

Being able to crunch the numbers and swiftly determine a business’s core financial health is something a good accountant excels at. They realize that the most critical part of financial mastery is cash. They understand its peaks and troughs and thrive on facts, figures and hard-core problem solving.

They are considered, not conservative

Good accountants are ethical, diplomatic and have well-developed people skills that enable them to develop trust and rapport with their clients. They’re able to use their integrity to foster collaborative and respectful environments, which helps clients make good business decisions.

They’re organized and structured

A clean workspace and solid time management skills are key traits in good accountants ensuring they can negotiate deadlines and manage complex projects. They love a highly structured environment and are comfortable with repetitive processes and strict rules and regulations.

They are creative, inquisitive and adaptable

Although good accountants are supremely comfortable with structure, they are also able to foster fresh ideas in dealing with financial difficulties. An inquisitive mind means they embrace change, are always keen to learn more and see each new challenge as an opportunity to learn and test their skills.

They have first-rate communication skills

Because accounting is such a precise science, good accountants are adept at communicating in a clear and informative voice and can write in a style that is clear and persuasive. They have well-developed interpersonal skills and an innate ability to assert themselves when networking.

They are great leaders

Good accountants are great role models and have the patience, skills and confidence to delegate while maintaining a measure of approachability. Their core leadership skills extend to include strategic thinking, meaning they can make logical decisions that prove to clients that they are working to improve both the present and the future.

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